Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's Time To Stop Pussyfooting Around and Make A Stand For Israel

We pray for Israel because we want to be in the will of Almighty GOD. We want to be doing the things He has instructed us to do in the Word.

Several years ago I heard a Christian asking GOD to give him His heart. This made an impression on me. The more I thought and prayed about it, the more interesting, the more challenging it became. So I too prayed and asked the LORD to give me His heart.

My prayer was answered but in a way I had not anticipated. He gave me His heart alright; what I had not realized is that His heart is for Israel, the people and the Land. Knowing, as I do now, that the heartbeat of GOD is for His chosen people and the Covenant Land, it makes sense that when I asked for His heart, that's exactly what He gave me: His heart for Israel.

Somewhere along the way I was introduced to the "Complete Jewish Bible" translated by David H. Stern. I bought one. The Complete Jewish Bible is an amazing translation. As I read my Bible, the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, was showing me things I hadn't seen before, especially the texts relating to the people and the Land of Israel and the teachings of the Torah. YAH's Word suddenly took on a whole new dimension.

The Jewish people are still His Chosen People and the "apple of His eye," (Zechariah 2:8). They remain "a people near to Him," (Psa.148:14). If His people and their Land are so close to His heart, then surely they should be close to ours too. We (Gentiles) who profess to have accepted the very Jewish Jesus -- Yahshua HaMashiach -- as our Lord and Saviour need to become more like Him which means embracing His heartbeat.

Do you want to be in alignment with His heart? Do you want to feel the heartbeat of YAH (GOD)? Then get close to the things that are close to His heart; and there is none more close to His heart than His people and the Land of Israel (they're inseparable), especialy the crucial role they play in YAH's End Time plans and purposes. (YAH is an abbreviated form of YAHVEH which translates as "I Am" and the "Ever Present God.")

Allow the LORD to tenderize your heart. Ask Him to place on your heart the delights and desires of His heart. Ask the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) to give you His heart of compassion for Israel, the people and the Land. Your walk with the LORD will never be the same again!

As believers it is our duty to take a stand for Israel. If we accept the Bible as the infallible Word of YAHVEH, if we accept Word of YAHVEH as GOD-breathed, we should accept what He says, and DO what He tells us to do, and NOT cherry-pick the bits we like and ignore the bits we don't like. That sort of behaviour will eventually put us on a collision course with the Almighty.

Isaiah 62, verses 6 and 7, tell us that we should take no rest -- day or night -- when it comes to praying for Jerusalem; we should never fall silent and be persistent in reminding the LORD of what He has said about Israel, the people and the Land, until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

At this moment in time, Jerusalem is far from being "a praise in the earth," so we, as watchmen on the walls, must pray and intercede -- night and day -- until Jerusalem becomes a praise in all the earth. Not for our sake, but for Zion 's. This should be a priority with each of us if we profess to follow Yahshua (Jesus), our Jewish teacher, LORD and Saviour.

Will there be consequences? You bet! Positive and negative. Good and bad. Blessing and attack. But knowing you're in the will of YAH makes it all worth while. When excuses not to pray turn up, stamp them out. When thoughts not to attend Prayer For Israel meetings occur, get rid of them quickly. When distractions come, it's time for you to overcome. When interruptions happen, be firm when dealing with them.

Ask YAH to give you His heart so that we can pray with accuracy and discernment for His plans and purposes in these End Time days. YAHVEH wants His people back in the Land. He wants to give them a new heart; put a new Spirit inside them. He wants to restore the Covenant Land he set aside especially for them, His Covenant people, along with His laws and rulings. He says, "You will be My people, and I will be your GOD," (Ezekiel 36).

"Pray for shalom in Jerusalem; may those who love you prosper," (Psa.122:6). "May shalom be in your ramparts, prosperity in your palaces," (v.7). There has never been a more critical time as this for our works to match our faith. We have a responsibility to act on the Word and to DO IT NOW.

YAH continues to bless and prosper those who have risen to the challenge of His Word, serving the Jewish people. Those who facilitate aliyah (the return of the Jewish people to Israel). . . those who serve the Jewish people, feeding, clothing and taking care of them, especially the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the widows and orphans. . . those giving/providing shelter for the homeless. . . those reaching out to Jewish people incarcerated for their stand for Israel and/or for being Jewish. . . those serving the Jewish people around the world and especially in Israel. . . these who serve will be well blessed. This is not to say we shouldn't serve non-Jewish people, we should; but the Bible says that our giving, our serving, our ministry is "to the Jew first."

When Yahshua talks about "these brothers of mine" and "these people" in Matthew 25, verses 40 and 45, He is talking to us about His Jewish people. He clearly tells us that whenever we "do these things for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, we do it for Him." Whenever we refuse to do things "for the least important of these (Jewish) people, we refuse to do it for Him." Think about it.

Genesis 12:3 says "I will bless those who bless you and curse him who curses (or uses insolent language toward you or makes light of) you. Those who make light of the (Jewish) people, who doggedly refuse to do what they are told to do (from the Word), Matthew 25:41 says such people will "go off to eternal punishment, but those who have done what YAH wants will go to eternal life," (v.46). Selah!

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you



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