Thursday, October 05, 2006

THIS Nation -- Called By God -- Rejected HIS People and Reneged On Its Commitments!

A restored Israel was very much a British ideal and typified British policy for many years leading up to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. After the Declaration, the British Government, in particular the utterly odious, wicked, brutal and corrupt military administration and high-ranking British Army Officers at the time, embarked on a policy of facilitating the torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people.

Not only did these anti-semitic Brits collude to get rid of Yah's Chosen people living in the area designated as a homeland for the Jewish people, they sought to prevent those escaping the persecution of Hitler from reaching their 'homeland' by whatever means possible. A most despicable act!

Take, for example, the case of the immigrant ship, the Struma, only one of many, many instances of cold, calculated, deliberate anti-Jewish killings perpertrated by the British 'authorities.'

The Jewish people on board the Struma were fleeing from the extermination programme taking place in Romania. Almost 800 people were squeezed onto this very old cattle boat, designed and built almost one hundred years previously for use only on inland waterways, not the open seas.

Somehow, this overloaded, broken-down old cattle boat managed to find its way into the harbour of Instanbul, Turkey. The Jewish people on board were seeking British Authority permission (through the British Ambassador to Istanbul) to disembark and travel on to their national Homeland (that would, intime, become known as the State of Israel).

While millions of Jewish people were being exterminated by the evil Nazi regime, its sympathizers and followers, you would have thought that those managing to escape would have been welcomed with open arms, well looked after and helped in every possible way. And they would have been had they not encountered (the anti-Jewish) British administration and military personel, most of whom were despatched from Cairo by the British Government, specifically to set up a National Homeland for the Jewish people.

Unfortunately for the Jewish people, the Brits wielding power and authority over them, did not like the idea of a Jewish Homeland; they were strongly opposed to the Jewish people returning to the Land. Consequently, the very people who were supposed to help the Jewish people betrayed them and did whatever they could to prevent them having a homeland.

Jewish people, quite righly, saw this as aiding and abeting Hitler's extermination policy. Some non-Jews saw it as appeasing the Arab oil producers.

The Church, as usual, was silent, pretending there was nothing untoward going on. With very few exceptions, the Church did not make any sort of stand against what was happening; they were either too scared to speak out or perhaps they thought that God had finished with the Jewish people (as much of the Church does today) and so it didn't matter about the Jewish people being wiped out.

The Brits denied the Struma's Jewish contingent entry to their National Homeland. This was in contravention to the mandate given to the British Government some twenty years earlier by the League of Nations, to facilitate a return of Jewish people to a National Homeland, later known as the State of Israel.

The British Authorities instructed the Turkish Authorities NOT to allow the people on board the Struma to disembark. They were not to be allowed on Turkish soil at any cost.

The Jewish people languished on the cattle boat in freezing conditions in the Istanbul harbor area for several weeks. They were packed on to that boat like sardines in a tin, above and below deck, with NO space to lie down, no washing facilities whatsoever, and with only ONE makeshift toilet facility.

Almost 800 men, women, children and babies were on that little cattle boat. There were even women giving birth on that boat in the midst of such filthy, inhuman conditions. People were dying through lack of food and water. But non of that mattered as far as the pompous, self-serving British Administration was concerned; after all, "they were only Jews!"

The British Administration, actually there in the Land they had been commanded to use to set up a Jewish homeland, did everything they could to prevent the mandate being fulfilled. They pursued their own program of appeasing the Arab oil producers by tried very hard to wipe out the Jewish people and prevent them from taking back their Land.

On the 70th day of languishing in the Istanbul harbor area, in near arctic conditions, the Turkish Authorities (at the behest of the British Administration in Israel) got a line aboard the Struma (by getting them to believe they were going to be towed into a position to disembark). The Turks then proceeded to tow the Struma out into the Black Sea.

At a safe distance, the Turks cut the line and left the Jewish people on board the Struma to fend for themselves with NO food, NO water, NO fuel and an engine that didn't work.

That wasn't the end of the matter.

Early the following morning, a loud explosion was heard all over Istanbul. It was the Struma. She conveniently exploded and then disappeared into the icy-cold water, never to be seen again. Almost eight hundred men, women, children and babies perished.

Only ONE person survived!

This well-documented story has been told in several books and documentaries. In Gustav Scheller's "Operation Exodus" he tells how, when he and his team were sailing through this part of the Black Sea carrying Jewish people back to Israel, they held an on-board service of repentance. With hearts united, they simply wanted to stand before Yahveh and seek His forgiveness for Britain's part in this evil act, and to ask the Jewish people for their forgiveness.

They repented and prayed and sought forgiveness for this most sinful act of killing so many Jewish people, who were themselves, trying to escape certain death. As many of the Christians (in Gustav's account) were weeping and repenting, some of the Jewish passengers joined them in the service. They were touched by what they saw; "If you love us this way," said one Jewish passenger, "it gives us hope for the future."

We need to give the Jewish people our love and support. We -- the Church and the nation -- need to repent and seek Yah's forgiveness for the way we have treated the Jewish people over the years and for our involvement in dividing the Land (see Joel 3:2).

The British government and the Church (together) need to call a national day of repentance.

We (who claim to follow the Lord) have need to weep and get our hearts right before our Lord, Yashua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). It bewilders me how any believer can hold a bad attitude towards Yah's Chosen People. To claim to love the Lord (our Jewish Rabbi) as we do, and yet ignore, despise or treat lightly, His people, is totally incomprehensible.

If your heart is right with the Lord, your heart will be right with His people and you will realize the importance of the Land. And vice-versa: if your heart is not right with the Lord, His people and the Land will never register on your spiritual radar.

The UK is not the only nation guilty of turning its back on Israel in their times of need. Thirty two nations at the 1938 Evian conference refused to make a stand for Israel, including the USA. However, Britain was the only nation given a mandate to establish a National Homeland for the Jewish people. . . and failed abysmally. Not only did they fail the Jewish people, more importantly, Britain failed Yahveh, the God of Israel.

Repentance is the first step. We now need to seize the opportunity Yahveh has set before us to make amends and serve the Jewish people, according to His Word. We need to demonstrate, through the love of Yahshua, how deeply we care for them.

We need to be more vocal over the Land issue. Yah's Word clearly delineates the boundaries of the Land that He Covenanted with Abraham, and confirmed to Isaac and Jacob, and that it was to their seed for ever.

We are to love the Jewish people with the love that Yahshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) has for them. We are to pray for Yah's plans and purposes for Israel -- the people and the Land -- in these End Times.

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you


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