Friday, October 06, 2006

"Christian" Organizations In Serious Error

The Vatican, the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches embrace the same biblical error as their third century "forefathers" regarding Israel, the People and the Land. They maintain that because the Jewish people rejected Christ, Yah (God) let them go, disassociated Himself from them, and that today's Church has replaced Israel in Yah's plans and purposes.

In other words, they erroniously think that they have replaced the Jewish people, and that they are now Yah's Chosen people. But, as Romans 9 and 11 tells us, this is NOT so. Not only is it untrue, a lie from the pit of hell, it places the advocates and followers of such diatribe on a collision course with the Almighty.

These guys quite obviously don't believe in the literal translation of the Holy Scriptures; they prefer to cherry-pick what Yah says in His Word. What's more, by perpetuating their perverse, corrupt and fallacious teachings, they are leading others astray and for that they will answer to their Creator.

They appear to have no comprehension of the relevance of Israel (the People and the Land) in God's plans and purposes, especially in these end-times days.

President George W. Bush, his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, all professing to be Christians, have fallen into the replacement theology trap. They want Israel to give up more Land; Land that Yahveh Himself gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their seed forever.

Just imagine how different things could have been if these two leaders had not been schooled in the replacement theology nonsense and actually understood the importance of both the People and the Land of Israel in God's plans and purposes. They would have trodden a very different path and perhaps been able to bring about a different understanding of the Israel issue among other leaders.

The National Council of Churches is in serious error in its condemnation of Israel for refusing to leave so-called "occupied" territory, Land that was given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. The Land may be "disputed" (in their eyes) but it is not right to call it "occupied" land. These people should know better! It begs the question, "have they ever read and understood God's Word?"

Yahveh declares 109 times in His Word that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people; 36 times on oath to them and 16 times saying it is FOREVER. (Which part of the word "forever" do they not understand?) There is nowhere in the Bible that God says He has changed His mind about the covenant promises He made with Abraham and confirmed through Isaac and Jacob. Not even a hint of such a thing. As for the boundaries of the Land, Yah says "from the brook of Egypt to the mountains of Lebanon and from the Euphrates river to the Great Sea (the Mediterranean). What do they not understand about that?

Both the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches have called on their members to divest themselves of any investments they have in companies doing business with Israel.

My understanding is that they want a complete boycott of all companies trading with Israel. Because these people fail to understand what the God of the Bible is doing with Israel or the part Israel plays in His plans, especially in these days, they want to have THEIR way with Israel, which is NOT God's way. They want to beat Israel into submission by financially crippling the Israeli economy simply to impose their will upon the Jewish people.

Unfortunately for them, Yahveh has other plans for His people and will not allow those "who have fallen away" to harm the Jewish people. As for the Land, they should try really, really hard to understand this: the Land is NOT for giving. Yah will have His way!

President Bush, secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and Quartet special envoy Tony Blair seem obsessed in being instrumental in establishing a 'Palestinian' state before their respective terms of office expire. If these "Christians" would only read their Bibles and seek the advice and guidance of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), they would quickly realize that Yah's Land must not be divided in any way, shape or form. No matter how unpallatable this may be to human ears, the Covenant Land is NOT to be divided; doing so will incur the wrath of God.

The British are already under Yah's judgement for dividing the Land in 1921. In the previous year, Britain was formally granted rule over the territory know as 'Palestine'. The League of Nations issued Britain with a mandate to establish a national Jewish homeland and to facilitate the resettlement of Jewish people on this Land. Within a short time, Winston Churchill gave 78% of this Land to an Arab sheikh. This large chunk of land is now known as Jordan.

The British divided the Land and Britain has been paying the price ever since but its leaders are completely oblivious to the fact. Similarly, the USA is now paying the price for its involvement in Gaza; they put a great deal of pressure on the Israeli government to give up the Land and remove all Jewish people from the area. This was a very unwise thing to do.

Yah's Word is not to be taken lightly: Anyone (and that means 'anyone' including the USA, the UK, Russia and the EU). . . anyone involved in dividing the Covenant Land will pay the price! His plan is for His (Jewish) people to inhabit the Land He set out for them, to have sovereignty over all of it, not bits and pieces of it.

The two-state idea is a non-starter in God's eyes; it will not solve anything let alone the conflict. The only answer is to do things God's way, not man's way. Nothing else will work. Our nation's leaders need to understand that Muslims generally, and 'Palestinians' in particular, want a total wipe-out of the Jewish people. They may pretend that land-for-peace is in everyone's interest, but they have absolutely no intention of ever honoring any of their agreements. They will cheat and lie and seek public sympathy as they portray Israel as the aggressive pariah and 'occupier' of 'their' land. But it's all a game to them. They will stop at nothing until they achieve their intentions: to annihilate the Jewish people and seize their Land. However, Yahveh, the God of Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya'akov will NOT allow that to happen.

As I write this article Syria and Iran have been re-arming Hezbollah with more rockets and other military equipment AND supplying similar hardware to Hamas. They are said to be building a network of underground tunnels and bunkers for Hamas in Gaza, similar to those of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. So it looks like another battle is not too far away.

Hopefully, next time, the Israeli politicians, having decided to go to war, will allow the Israeli military to do their job. One of the main problems in the July/August 2006 battle was that of politicians vacillating; the other big problem was forcing the military to prosecute the war with one hand tied behind their backs. The Israeli military must be allowed a free reign in battle to crush the enemy and eliminate those who seek to destroy Israel.

All this may sound unpallatable, but it has to be done. This way, the Israeli's could seriously disable Hezbollah and Hamas to such an extent, Syria and Iran would have to come out into the open and do their own dirty work instead of having proxy forces do it for them.

However, there is a way open to them, far better than relying on the politicians and the military to defend them: that is to get right with their God and call on Him to defend and protect them, like they did in times gone by, in the days of David, Rehoboam, Abijah, Joash, Hezekiah and others. In more recent times He intervened to enable them to get back into to the Land in 1948. He gave them victory in the six-day war when they were greatly outnumbered. He can do it again.

Please pray that the eyes of the Jewish people will be opened to their need to get right with their God, to realize that Yashua is the Messiah, and for the Ruach HaKodesh to come upon them and give them a new heart, a new Spirit.

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you


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