For Zion's Sake, Get Stuck In. . .Prayerfully!
“For the sake of Zion I will not be silent, for the sake of Jerusalem I will not be still, till her victory emerges resplendent and her triumph like a flaming torch” -- Isaiah 62:1
June 1982 saw a defensive operation begin at the Lebanese border where the war is happening now. The purpose: to stop the endless attacks on Israel's northern towns and villages by the Hezbollah terrorists. The Islamic Terror group amassed a large number of destructive weapons just inside Lebanon, courtesy of Iran and Syria, and they were constantly shooting rockets at Israel’s Upper Galilee citizens.
The Israeli Army remained in Lebanon for over 20 years. Then, for some insane reason, Israel decided to pull its troops out of Lebanon, relinquishing that very volatile frontier to the puppet government in Beirut, themselves cowering to the strength and bully tactics of Hezbollah and Syria.
Lebanon is told pretty much what to do by Syria, who in turn is influenced by Iran. Whenever Hezbollah operates against Israel, it is actually an Iranian sponsored attack through Syria. The Lebanese government haven't any say in the matter.
August 2005 saw the Gaza strip ethnically cleansed: all Jews were purged from the Land. The Jewish people were forcibly kicked out of their homes and off their Land. Sold out by their own government. They have been left to fend for themselves ever since as the government reneged on most of its promises.
Many are in a mess; suicide is up, divorce is up, depression and related illnesses have gone through the roof. Kids can't cope in school (those lucky enough to find a place in a school). Unemployment is up. Homelessness is up. The soup kitchens are busier than they've ever been. The charitable organizations providing clothing and basic essentials to Jewish people are busier than they've ever been, almost a year after the event.
The world gave a cursory glance at their TV screens as the Jewish people were being purged from their homes and land and decided, "hey, that's OK, they're only Jews". Had that been in any other country there would have been a outcry so loud -- a veritable cacophany -- from almost every world leader and organization imaginable, starting with the corrupt and morally bankrupt anti-Israel duo, Bill and Ben, the flower pot men (the U.N. and the E.U.). Because of the purging of Jews from Gaza, it has become just as many predicted, a launching pad of Kassam rockets into Sderot, Ashkelon and other places.
Both of the relinquished territories, Lebanon and Gaza, have become a launching pad of terror attacks into Israel leaving many wounded and dead in an endless war of attrition. The people of Israel are once again in bomb shelters and living in fear. Endless meetings and debates, millions of shekels, and too much blood and tears have gone down the drain trying to establish a false peace that will appease the world and keep the Arab Oil Producers happy. This false peace needs halting and reversing NOW before it destroys Israel. The false peacemakers need to wake up and get a grip of reality:-
Islam’s mandate as stated in the Koran is to conquer the world using every means possible in order to have the entire world under the rule of Islam.
IF Islam is defeated in Israel it will be defeated in the entire world. If Islam is not defeated, the world will come under the rule of Islam, and we can see that starting to happen now. That's not too hard to grasp, is it, yet those (non-Muslims) in positions of power and authority fail to understand it. The Muslims understand it!
Please note: If Islam is not defeated the entire Muslim world is literally going to hell; there will be no salvation from the enemies of Israel unless they REPENT of trying to annihilate Israel!
Jeremiah 12:14-17- Thus said the Lord: As for My wicked neighbors who encroach on the heritage that I gave to My people Israel -- I am going to uproot them from their soil, and I will uproot the House of Judah out of the midst of them. Then, after I have uprooted them, I will take them back into favor, and restore them each to his own inheritance and his own land. And if the learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name -- "As the Lord lives" -- just as they once taught My people to swear by Baal, then they shall be built up in the midst of My people. But if they do not give heed, I will tear out that nation, tear it out and destroy it -- declares the Lord.
The liberal-minded politicians, the anti-Israeli media (probably 99% of the media), the majority of the Christian Church, need a sharp jolt to wake them up and to realize what is really happening.
Defeating Islam is necessary for there to be peace in the world. Many Muslims are brainwashed through their hideous teaching to hate Jews and Christians. . . infidels. . . anyone who is not a Muslim. Therefore, defeating those Muslims who are willing to wage war, to die by the bomb and the bullet, is, or should be, a priority for every free-world leader who doesn't want to see their nations succumb to sharia law.
Pray for Israel to defeat Islam. Once they're defeated you will be safer in your own nation! Pray against the evil spirit of Islam that has most of the world's people bound up in chains.
Pray for the World's leaders (Presidents and Prime Ministers such as Bush, Putin, Blair, Chirac and others -- you can get a list at Pray for them to stop espousing Islam as a religion of love and peace, and to get a better understanding of the fact that if Islam is NOT defeated in Israel today, they will have to deal with it in their own backyard tomorrow.
Does that sound too far fetched for you? It isn't. Islam is already at the door! Our only hope is to support Israel ALL the way to defeating Islam. And remember: It is Iran and Syria who are pushing the buttons, especially Iran. In Syria it is "president" Bashar al-Assad. In Iran it is their mad mullahs and seriously deluded "president", Ahmadinejad (who is under orders from the chief dictator, Ayatollah Khameini).
What is more concerning (and in need of prayer) is the gravity of Iran's threat to Western interests; it seems not to be fully understood in the halls of power in Washington, London, Brussels/Strasbourg or anywhere else . . .except the Muslim capitals.
Iran wants America's crown: it wants to be the most powerful nation on earth, the world's 'policeman', THE Superpower and it will stop at nothing in trying to achieve it! And if attitudes don't change quickly, we will find ourselves in trouble. All the fighting that has been going off in Iraq over recent years has merely "served to divert attention from the far more dangerous Regional Rat (as David Dolan calls him), lurking right next door -- Iran -- and its supplicant surrogates, Syria and Hezbollah".
Pray that the Israeli Prime Minister and his cabinet colleagues fully understand this and act accordingly; that they will not buckle to international pressue by starting to seek a diplomatic solution. This would play right into the hands of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Please dedicate time to praying and fasting this week, especially for the issues mentioned here. Would you pray Psalm 83 and Psalm 94 over the nation of Israel, and Psalm 94 vv 8-11 against Hezbollah and the leaders of Syria and Iran.
Very important: pray for the awakening of the Church to the truth, and to prayer for Israel (God commands it in Psalm 122:6). Almost ALL the Church is sleeping in the midst of the current crisis. They are not aware of the signs of the times; they seem clueless as to what is really going on. Which is not surprising as there is virtually no teaching on Israel and how Israel fits in to God's end times plans and purposes. None of the local churches we have visited over the past two weeks made any attempt whatsoever to pray into the current middle-east situation, let alone Israel. It's as if they think God has finished with Israel.
We need to be more vocal, to tell it like it is, taking every oportunity to pray out loud for Israel and God's plans and purposes in these end times.
I invite you to pray for the defeat of Islam by Israel, every place it touches Israel. The media is mostly against Israel, as usual, and the Christian community seems to have fallen for their outright lies, half-truths and innuendoes. Instead of going to the Word of God, they seem to prefer to watch what the rolling news editors (with their warped and twisted worldly sense of what is right and wrong) want them to see.
Pray that the Lord will open the eyes of sleeping Christians and give them a revelation concerning Israel. Listen, our personal feelings towards the Jewish people are not important and should not cloud our thinking. Like it or not, the Jewish people are GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE! As you persevere in prayer for Israel, the Lord will give you a love for His Chosen People. The deeper you go in the Word, the more you look at the history of His people, especially the last 150 years, and church history over the last 1000 years, the more you will understand their plight, the current situation on the ground over there, and the state of the Church over here.
Pray for the protection of Israel, its civilians and its soldiers, and that they would cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob like never before. Pray they would get a revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, especially the front-line military personel.
From a recent newsletter from David Silver, Out of Zion Ministries, Haifa, Israel (
Psalm 83 is a Prayer in Season
1. Pray for God to deflect Hezbollah missiles away from their targets. This happened in the 1991 Gulf War and it can happen again as we pray.
2. Pray for the safety of all Israelis targeted by Hezbollah rockets and missiles.
3. Pray for a revelation of Yeshua as Messiah and atonement to many in Israel right now.
4. Pray for the protection of the many south Lebanese who are rapidly becoming refugees.
5. Pray for those Hezbollah people fighting against Israel to either be saved or to be totally crushed.
6. Pray protection for Israeli soldiers fighting, and especially for those Messianic believers presently involved in the war.
7. Pray for God to reveal and counter Syrian and Iranian strategies to IDF generals, as He did in 2 Kings 6 in Elisha's day.
8. Ask the God of Israel to hook you up to His prayer request line – to download to you directly and in real time what needs to be prayed for. This is what Rees Howell experienced during WW II, in a time when there were no TVs, no cell phones and no internert. Please continue to pray urgently for Israel and Israeli people. They are amazing ! - Just imagine what they are going to be like when they are saved, and filled with power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you
P.S. I am indebted to Bishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries for information gleaned from recent newsletters, and David Silver, Out of Zion Ministries, Haifa, Israel.
June 1982 saw a defensive operation begin at the Lebanese border where the war is happening now. The purpose: to stop the endless attacks on Israel's northern towns and villages by the Hezbollah terrorists. The Islamic Terror group amassed a large number of destructive weapons just inside Lebanon, courtesy of Iran and Syria, and they were constantly shooting rockets at Israel’s Upper Galilee citizens.
The Israeli Army remained in Lebanon for over 20 years. Then, for some insane reason, Israel decided to pull its troops out of Lebanon, relinquishing that very volatile frontier to the puppet government in Beirut, themselves cowering to the strength and bully tactics of Hezbollah and Syria.
Lebanon is told pretty much what to do by Syria, who in turn is influenced by Iran. Whenever Hezbollah operates against Israel, it is actually an Iranian sponsored attack through Syria. The Lebanese government haven't any say in the matter.
August 2005 saw the Gaza strip ethnically cleansed: all Jews were purged from the Land. The Jewish people were forcibly kicked out of their homes and off their Land. Sold out by their own government. They have been left to fend for themselves ever since as the government reneged on most of its promises.
Many are in a mess; suicide is up, divorce is up, depression and related illnesses have gone through the roof. Kids can't cope in school (those lucky enough to find a place in a school). Unemployment is up. Homelessness is up. The soup kitchens are busier than they've ever been. The charitable organizations providing clothing and basic essentials to Jewish people are busier than they've ever been, almost a year after the event.
The world gave a cursory glance at their TV screens as the Jewish people were being purged from their homes and land and decided, "hey, that's OK, they're only Jews". Had that been in any other country there would have been a outcry so loud -- a veritable cacophany -- from almost every world leader and organization imaginable, starting with the corrupt and morally bankrupt anti-Israel duo, Bill and Ben, the flower pot men (the U.N. and the E.U.). Because of the purging of Jews from Gaza, it has become just as many predicted, a launching pad of Kassam rockets into Sderot, Ashkelon and other places.
Both of the relinquished territories, Lebanon and Gaza, have become a launching pad of terror attacks into Israel leaving many wounded and dead in an endless war of attrition. The people of Israel are once again in bomb shelters and living in fear. Endless meetings and debates, millions of shekels, and too much blood and tears have gone down the drain trying to establish a false peace that will appease the world and keep the Arab Oil Producers happy. This false peace needs halting and reversing NOW before it destroys Israel. The false peacemakers need to wake up and get a grip of reality:-
Islam’s mandate as stated in the Koran is to conquer the world using every means possible in order to have the entire world under the rule of Islam.
IF Islam is defeated in Israel it will be defeated in the entire world. If Islam is not defeated, the world will come under the rule of Islam, and we can see that starting to happen now. That's not too hard to grasp, is it, yet those (non-Muslims) in positions of power and authority fail to understand it. The Muslims understand it!
Please note: If Islam is not defeated the entire Muslim world is literally going to hell; there will be no salvation from the enemies of Israel unless they REPENT of trying to annihilate Israel!
Jeremiah 12:14-17- Thus said the Lord: As for My wicked neighbors who encroach on the heritage that I gave to My people Israel -- I am going to uproot them from their soil, and I will uproot the House of Judah out of the midst of them. Then, after I have uprooted them, I will take them back into favor, and restore them each to his own inheritance and his own land. And if the learn the ways of My people, to swear by My name -- "As the Lord lives" -- just as they once taught My people to swear by Baal, then they shall be built up in the midst of My people. But if they do not give heed, I will tear out that nation, tear it out and destroy it -- declares the Lord.
The liberal-minded politicians, the anti-Israeli media (probably 99% of the media), the majority of the Christian Church, need a sharp jolt to wake them up and to realize what is really happening.
Defeating Islam is necessary for there to be peace in the world. Many Muslims are brainwashed through their hideous teaching to hate Jews and Christians. . . infidels. . . anyone who is not a Muslim. Therefore, defeating those Muslims who are willing to wage war, to die by the bomb and the bullet, is, or should be, a priority for every free-world leader who doesn't want to see their nations succumb to sharia law.
Pray for Israel to defeat Islam. Once they're defeated you will be safer in your own nation! Pray against the evil spirit of Islam that has most of the world's people bound up in chains.
Pray for the World's leaders (Presidents and Prime Ministers such as Bush, Putin, Blair, Chirac and others -- you can get a list at Pray for them to stop espousing Islam as a religion of love and peace, and to get a better understanding of the fact that if Islam is NOT defeated in Israel today, they will have to deal with it in their own backyard tomorrow.
Does that sound too far fetched for you? It isn't. Islam is already at the door! Our only hope is to support Israel ALL the way to defeating Islam. And remember: It is Iran and Syria who are pushing the buttons, especially Iran. In Syria it is "president" Bashar al-Assad. In Iran it is their mad mullahs and seriously deluded "president", Ahmadinejad (who is under orders from the chief dictator, Ayatollah Khameini).
What is more concerning (and in need of prayer) is the gravity of Iran's threat to Western interests; it seems not to be fully understood in the halls of power in Washington, London, Brussels/Strasbourg or anywhere else . . .except the Muslim capitals.
Iran wants America's crown: it wants to be the most powerful nation on earth, the world's 'policeman', THE Superpower and it will stop at nothing in trying to achieve it! And if attitudes don't change quickly, we will find ourselves in trouble. All the fighting that has been going off in Iraq over recent years has merely "served to divert attention from the far more dangerous Regional Rat (as David Dolan calls him), lurking right next door -- Iran -- and its supplicant surrogates, Syria and Hezbollah".
Pray that the Israeli Prime Minister and his cabinet colleagues fully understand this and act accordingly; that they will not buckle to international pressue by starting to seek a diplomatic solution. This would play right into the hands of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Please dedicate time to praying and fasting this week, especially for the issues mentioned here. Would you pray Psalm 83 and Psalm 94 over the nation of Israel, and Psalm 94 vv 8-11 against Hezbollah and the leaders of Syria and Iran.
Very important: pray for the awakening of the Church to the truth, and to prayer for Israel (God commands it in Psalm 122:6). Almost ALL the Church is sleeping in the midst of the current crisis. They are not aware of the signs of the times; they seem clueless as to what is really going on. Which is not surprising as there is virtually no teaching on Israel and how Israel fits in to God's end times plans and purposes. None of the local churches we have visited over the past two weeks made any attempt whatsoever to pray into the current middle-east situation, let alone Israel. It's as if they think God has finished with Israel.
We need to be more vocal, to tell it like it is, taking every oportunity to pray out loud for Israel and God's plans and purposes in these end times.
I invite you to pray for the defeat of Islam by Israel, every place it touches Israel. The media is mostly against Israel, as usual, and the Christian community seems to have fallen for their outright lies, half-truths and innuendoes. Instead of going to the Word of God, they seem to prefer to watch what the rolling news editors (with their warped and twisted worldly sense of what is right and wrong) want them to see.
Pray that the Lord will open the eyes of sleeping Christians and give them a revelation concerning Israel. Listen, our personal feelings towards the Jewish people are not important and should not cloud our thinking. Like it or not, the Jewish people are GOD's CHOSEN PEOPLE! As you persevere in prayer for Israel, the Lord will give you a love for His Chosen People. The deeper you go in the Word, the more you look at the history of His people, especially the last 150 years, and church history over the last 1000 years, the more you will understand their plight, the current situation on the ground over there, and the state of the Church over here.
Pray for the protection of Israel, its civilians and its soldiers, and that they would cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob like never before. Pray they would get a revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, especially the front-line military personel.
From a recent newsletter from David Silver, Out of Zion Ministries, Haifa, Israel (
Psalm 83 is a Prayer in Season
1. Pray for God to deflect Hezbollah missiles away from their targets. This happened in the 1991 Gulf War and it can happen again as we pray.
2. Pray for the safety of all Israelis targeted by Hezbollah rockets and missiles.
3. Pray for a revelation of Yeshua as Messiah and atonement to many in Israel right now.
4. Pray for the protection of the many south Lebanese who are rapidly becoming refugees.
5. Pray for those Hezbollah people fighting against Israel to either be saved or to be totally crushed.
6. Pray protection for Israeli soldiers fighting, and especially for those Messianic believers presently involved in the war.
7. Pray for God to reveal and counter Syrian and Iranian strategies to IDF generals, as He did in 2 Kings 6 in Elisha's day.
8. Ask the God of Israel to hook you up to His prayer request line – to download to you directly and in real time what needs to be prayed for. This is what Rees Howell experienced during WW II, in a time when there were no TVs, no cell phones and no internert. Please continue to pray urgently for Israel and Israeli people. They are amazing ! - Just imagine what they are going to be like when they are saved, and filled with power of the Ruach Ha Kodesh.
Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you
P.S. I am indebted to Bishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries for information gleaned from recent newsletters, and David Silver, Out of Zion Ministries, Haifa, Israel.
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