Saturday, March 24, 2007


In the late 1930's, less than seventy years ago, Hitler and his murderous followers were sending Jews to their death, like sheep to the slaughter. At that time, Israel and the Jewish people, scattered around the nations, had no state of their own to escape to.

The Israeli Defence Force didn't exist.

No sooner had the tiny Jewish state been born, seven Arab countries declared all-out war on her and attacked her viciously, with the express intent of wiping out this new and undeveloped state.

There they were, just a few thousand Jews up gainst the military might of her Arab neighbours and their professional war machines. The Israeli's had little in the way of organized military might. But what they did have, and which the opposition did not have, was God on their side.

Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, and Saudi Arabia attacked all at once. It should have been a wipe-out; a complete annihilation of the fledgeling state. But it wasn't. They were tough people with nothing to lose, nowhere to go, in the will of Almighty God.

The territory that the UN "gave them" was a tract of land unwanted by any of the Arabs in the region: it was barren and repeated attempts to make it fruitful had all failed. 65-70 per cent of the land was wasteland, "incapable of producing anything worthwhile", according to the Arabs who knew the region.

The tiny Jewish state had to start from scratch, with no infrastructure whatsoever. But from that scrubland, swampland and desert, a garden blossomed. Fresh fruit and flowers grew in abundance in the one-time desert and swampland. The Jewish people (hand-in-hand with the God of Israel) made the desert flourish and so enabled them to sell fresh fruit and vegetables and flowers to the world.

Forty years ago they had to fight three of the strongest, best-equipped armies in the Middle East, and in SIX days, God gave them victory over their enemies, once again, against overwhelming odds.

Throughout the years the Jewish people have fought against different coalitions of Arab countries with modern armies and air forces, well-equipped with masses of Soviet Russian weaponry. And still they had the victory!

Today, the tiny state of Israel has an army, a strong Air Force, a Hi-Tech Economy, and an export trade worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Intel, Microsoft, IBM, all develop much of their product lines there. In fact, the Israeli division of Microsoft recently won an award for being the most innovative and productive division in the company.

Their doctors win world prizes for medical developments.

Israel has sent its own satellites into outer Space: three to date. The Israeli population (7.1 million) sit proudly alongside other space-age nations: the US, with its 301 million people; Russia, with it's 144 million people; China, with over 1310 million people; Europe -- France, England, Germany and the other 24 member countries -- with their combined population of over 490 million people.

Israel today is a nuclear power alongside the US, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, France, and Britain. [They don't admit it, but every one knows...]

To think that only 60 to 70 years ago, they were living with no hope whatsoever, herded into the deathcamps of Europe, screaming as they inhaled the poisonous gasses pouring into the killing chambers. The human slaughter that went on around the clock, day in, day out, including Sundays.

It is well documented that as this killing was going on, at the entrance to at least one such camp, the murderous nazis, their wives and children, gathered for Sunday services, mornings and evenings, in their Lutheran church, praising the Lord and singing "Jesus, we adore thee', while the screams of dying Jews, crying out to be rescued, were just a short distance away. And even though the smell of buring flesh was all around, these nazis and their families were totally unconcerned; they thought they were doing God's work for Him.

Some of the European Jewry managed to get away from the persecution of Hitler and his supporting nations and proceeded to establish, against all odds, a state of their own, somewhere they could call home on what was left of the Land God had covenented to them many years earlier.

Over the years, they fought and won battles large and small, with little or no organized military forces, against their enemies. But what they did have throughout this time was the hand of the Lord God of Israel upon their nation, who helped them establish and build a homeland out of nothing.

Passover was faithfully celebrated, so they didn't forget where they had come from and what they were all about. They (with God's help) overcame the clutches of Pharaoh, the Greeks, the Romans, the Inquisition in Spain, the Crusades and the Pogroms in Russia. Hitler and the German war machine (and a few supportive countries) tried to annihilate them in what is known as the Holocaust, but a remnant survived. They (and God) overcame the armies of the seven Arab countries who tried to annihilate them. Even Saddam Hussein tried his hand against them. But God gave them victory over their enemies in what were overwhelming odds against them.

The Jewish people are overcomers and if they will once again call on their God, they will overcome their present enemies, too. Let them remember that those nations or cultures who tried in the past to get rid of the Israeli people and take the Land were themselves destroyed.

Israel, please remember that as long as you walk with the God of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, the God of Isra'el, you can call on Him, at any time; He's waiting with arms open wide. He won't let you down.

God's Chosen people, the nation we read about in the Bible, rescued from slavery in Egypt, are but a small number of people inhabiting what is probably the smallest country in the world. But hardly a day goes by without Israel being on the international news. They are still there, speaking the same language, worshipping the same God (although not so many of them do so these days). The Arabs don't know it yet, but they too WILL learn that there is but one God, One true God, the living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel!

As long as the Jewish people keep their eyes on Him, they will keep their identity and they will overcome every adversary.

Please don't fall for the media junk. They constantly tell you how bad life is in Israel, how evil the Jewish people are. They don't tell you that there is still much going on in Israel, that people are living their lives, going out, seeing friends, enjoying being with others, enjoying themselves, and so on. They won't tell you about how the Israeli hospitals are treating those who are trying to kill them, on a daily basis. They won't tell you about the inhuman carnage brought about by the Arab bombers. They won't tell you about how the "Palestinian" children are taught to hate Jewish people and motivated to kill them.

The media loves to paint an ugly picture of Israel and the People of the Land, none moreso than the Europeans and in particular, the British media. They love to portray the Jewish people as 'the aggressors' and 'the occupiers' of the Land. The media's ignorance is astonishing; their anti-semitic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli stance is confirmed through their lies, deception and sheer arrogance.

Yes, the Israeli morale is not what it should be, but wouldn't yours be down a little if you had to endure daily attempts to kill you along with regular threats to wipe you off the face of the earth, knowing that no one outside your own country was taking the threats seriously. . .and in some cases, condoning the threats by not speaking out against those making the threats?

The Jewish people weep for their dead, murdered unnecassarily by their brainwashed cousins who believe that they are called to do such dastardly things, and encouraged to do so by family and relatives. They actually belive the lies that there is such an entity as the "Palestinian people" with a right to a land of make-believe called "Palestine". That is so sad.

Wake up you who are killing Jewish people; don't you realize that the term "Palestinian people" was invented by that murdering terrorist, Yasser Arafat? The Land belongs to the Jewish People; the Land of Israel was covenanted to them, by YHVH, several thousand years ago, and confirmed throughout scripture, long before the koran was ever thought of.

The so-called "Palestinian" youth are taught, from an early age, to murder Jewish people and that if they do it by blowing themselves up in the process, they will be rewarded in heaven with the services of sevent-two virgins attending to their every need. How can anyone in their right mind swallow such lies let alone die for them. What a waste of life: cousin killing cousin; and the saddest part of all is that they don't realize it.

Those who persecute and kill God's Chosen people, will one day have to answer to Him for doing so. At that point in time, it will be too late to say, sorry, and the consequences will be unimaginable. It would be far better to stop now, repent, seek God's forgiveness and befriend the Jewish people. The God of Israel will not allow His people to be wiped out; those who try will be destroyed.

Bear this in mind also: most of the Jewish people need to repent of their falling away. They need to call on God, NOW, at this very moment in time, and get right with God.

The Jewish people will see: God IS on their side.

Shalom aleikhem

Peace be upon you



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