Wednesday, August 09, 2006


When people ask, are we on the edge of judgement, I can give them a categorical assurance that we are no longer on the edge of judgement. . .we are UNDER judgement!

All across the country, The Church is crying out for revival, but it eludes us. Why?

Could it be that now is the time for Christians to wake up and face reality: Britain is in a far worse state, spiritually, before GOD, than it has ever been. Since the nineteen-twenties, this nation has slowly but surely become morally and spiritually bankrupt. We were once regarded as a Christian nation, but now we're a heathen nation; and many misguided authority figures are proud of this fact.

We have been sliding down a slippery slope to nowhere since the then Commonwealth Secretary, Winston Churchill, decided to divide God's Land, contrary to Bible instructions and to Article 5 of the League of Nations' Mandate. He gave away, to an Arab sheikh, in return for who knows what, 78% of the land allocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland . . .land which was then set aside for Arab settlement only.

Churchill's excuse for this deliberate act of betrayal was that his action was in accordance with talks begun before the Mandate was received. At the stroke of a pen Churchill removed 78% of Jewish land allocated to them by the League of Nations for a homeland, not to mention GOD covenanting this land to them many years previously, as a homeland.

Please understand the ramifications of this: The land that was left -- the remaining 22% -- was designated 'for Jewish OR Arab settlement'; the 78% that was given away was restricted to NON-Jewish settlement only. The land allotted to a Jewish homeland was somewhat more than they have today because they have given so much away in the false belief that they would win that elusive peace they have been seeking all these years. Oh, what folly!

(In Joshua 1 GOD gave His chosen people ALL the land from the brook of Egypt in the south to the mountains of Lebanon in the north, and from the Euphrates River in the east to the Great Sea in the west. Strange as it may seem to some, I can't find any place in my Bible where it says GOD changed His mind -- revoked His Covenant -- and took the Land away from His people. ;o)

So, are we, the Church, going to carry on preaching and praying 'wishy-washy' sermons and prayers, singing and dancing and holding make-me-feel-good meetings and conferences and all manner of outreaches in denial of reality. . . or is it time for a fresh, tougher view of the times we are living in?

What is the stumbling block?

It's us. . . the Church!

Why is GOD not answering our prayers for revival?

Because they're probably not in line with the Word of GOD, the Will of GOD, or HIS plans and purposes. More to the point, whilst ever we ignore the fact that Israel is the "apple of His eye", for as long as we fail to put Israel -- the people and the Land are inseparable -- at the top of our prayer list, we will pay the the price. Until we recognize the importance of Israel to our Father in heaven, the GOD of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, the GOD of Israel, we will NOT see revival in the Church.

Genesis 12:3 says "I will bless those who bless you, and curse him that curses you". I am reliably informed (by Bishop Dominiquae Bierman) that if you look at the original language, a more suitable or appropriate (in the circumstances) translation would be "and curse those who make light of you". To make light of something is "to treat something as not being important . . .not taking something/somebody seriously" (Oxford ALD).

How dare we behave in such a manner!

There are those misguided individuals and churches who believe 'The Church' has replaced Israel in GOD's scheme of things.

How dare they insult ADONAI and denigrate "the apple of HIS eye".

We need to wise up, both as a Church and as individuals, and face the truth about ourselves as GOD's people.

We -- the Church -- directly and indirectly -- disobey and deny the truth of GOD's Word and Laws.

We condone behaviour in some church leaders that is an abomination to GOD.

Many, if not most Christians seem to think that GOD has finished with Israel and has no further use for the Jewish people. They're under the illusion that the Church has replaced Israel in GOD's plans and purposes, in fact, this is commonly taught from the pulpits around the nation.

We disregard GOD's command (in Psalm 122) to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

We excell in NOT doing what the Word tells us -- commands us -- to do; for some obscure reason, we seem to think the commands are requests with a 'pretty please' tagged on to the end.

In fact we disregard most of what GOD tells us to do in the Word, especially if it is from the "Old" Testament. To many Christians, the New Testament has replaced the Old Testament, which is actually taught in too many pulpits and even in some of the Bible colleges.

We are mostly weak and hopeless in declaring GOD's Truth to a world where truth is relative. . . where everything is considered and judged in comparison to what the world sees as normal (and is probably garnered from soaps, tabloids, pubs, clubs, magazines, their piers and daytime television).

We accept teachings that simply do not bear up under close scrutiny of the Bible, and when held up to the pure light of scripture, it's as if such teachings are from a different Book. So many changes have been made over recent years in the name of progress and 'bringing things up-to-date' that we are in danger of becoming -- or have we become, more or less -- an apostate Church.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that GOD stopped internationally recognized Bible teacher, David Pawson, mid-flow in a meeting to tell him that He (GOD) was giving Britain over to Islam? David Pawson is not a man who would speak lightly of such things. If he says it happened, I believe him. I think this occurred around 2002/2003. Now, in 2006, we can see it coming to pass.

In Ezekiel 13, GOD addresses those in the nation of Israel He held responsible for speaking the truth to His people. His warnings and judgements should cause us to be in a state of alarm because the Church in Britain IS GUILTY of the same SINS OF COMPLACENCY AND SELF-RIGHTIOUSNESS as the Israel addressed by EZEKIEL.

In these verses, Ezekiel condemns those who announce well-being ("don't worry, everything's alright") for the people of Israel, saying they prophesy out of their imaginations rather than speaking the word of GOD. He compares them to jackals or foxes, animals usually associated with damaging something so badly that it loses its value. So instead of helping prevent destruction, they are party to it. GOD is against those teachers and preachers who announce all is well when it isn't

The loving discipline of GOD when we are going astray comes in three stages:

1) Warnings and rebukes to turn us back to the truth.

2) If the warnings and rebukes fall on deaf ears then that same loving discipline of GOD moves into acts of judgement. We can see all of this in the history of Israel in the Old Testament, for example, Ezekiel 22:31.

3) If the warnings, rebukes and judgements are rejected then GOD lifts His hand of protection and leaves us to reap the consequences of our foolishness. And this is what is happening in Britain today.

During the last 85 years (since the 1920's when we divided the Land of Israel) we have seen the catastrophic decline of both church and nation. Britain has been stripped of its empire; all biblical standards of morality have been cast aside while the Church has accepted with little or no protest and in some cases, applauded, the standards the world has set.

In light of scripture, it is no coincidence that our national decline has run a parallel course to our unfavourable attitude to the nation of Israel. Please read that again: In light of scripture, it is no coincidence that Britain's national decline has run a parallel course to our unfavourable attitude to the nation of Israel.

God has lifted His hand of protection to allow us to reap the consequences of our foolish un-Godly behaviour.

That is not to say that the political and spiritual state of Israel is right: far from it. But it is to say that we the Church, as GOD's representative people on earth, have ignored, made light of, bullied, reneged on our promises, and failed to support the very people ADONAI describes as the 'apple of His eye'.

The prophetic writings of the Bible speak of a period of time known as “The Day of the Lord”, the focus of which is the second coming of our LORD, Yeshua HaMashiach -- Jesus the Messiah. This period begins with the events which Yeshua describes as “birth-pangs”. This is a time of increasing upheaval -- great trouble and suffering -- among the nations of the earth and culminates in the physical return of Yeshua and the establishment of His millennial Kingdom here on earth.

The central issue of these events is ADONAI's dealings with the nation of Israel. The testimony of Scripture is that the return of Yeshua is specifically linked to an attack by the nations of the world on the Land of Israel. This culminates in a disastrous siege on the Holy city of Jerusalem, from which a remnant of the nation will be rescued by the return of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah (see Zechariah 14:1-15).

Following His return, He will judge ALL nations in the light of THEIR treatment of the JEWISH people and the SIN of having DIVIDED the LAND of ISRAEL.

Joel 3 verses 1-2
“For then, at that time, when I restore
the fortunes of Y'hudah (Judah) and Yerushalayim (Jerusalem),
I will gather all nations and bring them down
to the Valley of Y'hoshafat [ADONAI judges]
I will enter into judgement there
for my people, my heritage Israel,
whom they scattered among the nations;
then they divided my land.”

What is the significance of this for us as believers in Britain today?

In Genesis 12:3 GOD tells Abraham that those who bless his descendants will be blessed and those who curse them will themselves be cursed.

In the context of the “Day of the LORD”, GOD uses much stronger language to convey His warning to us. In Isaiah 60:12, GOD spells it out loud and clear:

“For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; yes, those nations shall be utterly destroyed”.

Listen to that again:

“For the nation and kingdom which shall not serve you (Israel) shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly ruined”.

And that includes Britain! . . .a government and nation that seems to prefer appeasing the Arabs (more specifically, those Arabs who control oil producing land).

We persist in poking our finger into the apple of God's eye. We refuse to serve, help or show favour to Israel. We make light of her troubles instead of having the courage to stand up and speak out against those who seek to obliterate her.

It is bad enough that the preceding paragraph applies to our non-believing humanistic government. What is worse, however, is that this damning indictment applies to the Church. . . to most Christian believers!

For all who believe the Word of GOD and take it seriously, Isaiah 60, v.12 should fill us with trepidation. In this warning GOD confronts ALL nations (notice He does not say 'all nations except Britain'). No. ALL NATIONS.

God confronts ALL nations and gives us a very simple choice: show favour to the nation of Israel and receive God's favour and blessing OR ignore Israel and perish. A plain and simple choice, but so hard for so many to embrace.

Those who show favour to the nation of Israel will receive HIS favour and blessing, but those that will not show favour, those who poke their finger into the apple of GOD's eye, those nations who put pressure on Israel to divide the land, those who boycott Israeli goods and services and/or are instrumental in getting others to do so; those who are involved in trying to set up a Palestinian state within the Land of Israel, shall perish; they shall be utterly destroyed.

And again: ANY nation -- and that includes Britain -- who will not serve Israel and treat her with favour will perish and shall be utterley destroyed. That is not me speaking; I'm merely repeating what GOD says in His Word. And we either believe His Word in its entirety or we don't believe it at all. We cannot cherry pick the bits that suit us and reject the pieces that don't; it doesn't work like that. We're either in or we're out; there's no sitting on the fence. It's yes or no to the Word of God, not 'maybe'.

So, are you in or out. . . do you accept the the Word of ADONAI in its entirety or reject it (no cherry-picking allowed). . . are you with GOD or against GOD? It has to be one or the other. This is make up your mind time. It is not the time to vascillate.

And remember this: for as long as we continue denying the truths of the Word of GOD, we are in sin. For as long as we persist in believing (individually or corporately as the Church) that we have taken the place of the people of Israel. . . for as long as we continue trying to deny the Jewish people what is rightfully their GOD-given inheritance. . . for as long as we continue withholding favour from Israel, we are in deep, deep trouble with GOD.

We are in error of supporting and condoning present day attempts to impose man-made solutions such as the Oslo Peace accords, the so-called Road Map to Peace plan, and the Sharm el-Sheikh accords (all of which involve further dividision of the Land) UNLESS WE SPEAK OUT against this evil.

These man-made plans -- the Oslo accords, the Road Map and the Sharm el-Sheikh accords and others -- are anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist or whatever you care to call them, and take no account of the will of GOD. They run contrary to, and in fact, are the very antithesis of the plans and purposes of GOD. (The world has effectively renamed anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism as if to make it more palatable, more acceptable, but despite the altered terminology, it is the same evil being perpetuated.

I hope you can now see that, according to the Word of God, we in Britain are under GOD's judgement, even to the extent of coming to total ruin according to Isaiah 60, verse 12. We need to repent. The Church and the government need to call this nation to a day of prayer and repentance over our wrongdoing to Israel and the Jewish people.

Over the last eighty five years or so, we have made light of both the people and the Land of Israel, the 'apple of His eye'. This has to be put right, NOW, before we sink beyond trace into the quagmire we are in. Make no mistake about it, if we don't repent and change our ways, God will fulfill His Word and this nation, which does not serve Israel but makes light of Israel, shall perish; Britain shall be utterly ruined.

Think about it. Pray about it.

The responsibility of the Church is to declare the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth contained in the Word of GOD to a sick and dying world destined to spend eternity in hell if it doesn't repent and change.

It is not the mandate of the Church to compromise the Word of GOD, to tickle our ears with those parts of the Word that make us feel good and keep us in our comfort zone. We need the whole Word of GOD, and not just the 'New Testament'.

We do NOT need extra-biblical paraphernalia, extrasensory images, sounds, smells, silence, darkness, icons, statues, rosary beads, Yoga, or contemplative prayer. We do NOT need a full sensory immersion in the divine. We do NOT need seeker-friendly preaching and praying. Such frivolous behaviour is unnecessary and (in the longer term), harmful. Preaching a solid gospel with no bells and whistles is essential, especially today.

Who on earth has decreed we have to encounter GOD with our "senses"? He lives within us -- that's sufficient. He's a prayer away, hardly dependent on candles and incense and icons and rosary beads. We do not need to draw on such practices to 'get closer to God'? What we do need is to get back to basics!

My prayer is that you pray for Israel -- day in, day out -- the people and the Land. You can also group together with other believers on a regular weekly basis to intercede for Israel. And as you do so please do not pray nice “wishy washy” Christian prayers that are “politically correct” but real impacting, powerful prayers that are Biblicaly correct. . . 'Covenant Correct'. It is time to wake up the men, women and children who will stand and intercede for Israel like never before.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. "May peace be within your walls, And prosperity within your palaces." - Psalm 122:6-9

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you


P.S. This post is based on (and my response to) a very interesting (and highly recommended) booklet I read recently called "Are we on the edge of judgement?", from CFI Communications.

My resources include: The booklets, "Are we on the Edge of Judgement?" and "Palestine -- The Original Sin" from CFI/Love Never Fails; "A New Mandate for Britain" from David Davies; "The Forsaken Promise" by Hatikvah Film Trust, CFI Communications; "Grafted In", "Sheep Nations" and "The Healing Power of the Roots" by Bishop Dominiquae Bierman, Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, Jerusalem, Israel; Six-tape audio seminar set on Jewish Roots by Howard Morgan.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Time to Pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem is NOW!

We can waste time complaining about our personal situation, other folks' behaviour, the news, the weather, etc., or we can use our time constructively to pray about GOD's will for the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Can you imagine what it must have been like wandering in the desert for 40 years, exposed to the "heat" of the day. . . with none of the things we take for granted to help us stay cool such as cool showers, air conditioning, fans or cold drinks? Now that must have been uncomfortable.

Our Jewish brothers and sisters are (at this moment) exposed to the "heat": the heat of attack in both the physical and spiritual realms, as well as the heat of the weather. Hezbollah is firing rockets at Northern Israel and the Adversary is trying everything he can to keep the Jewish people from accepting Yeshua as their Messiah.

We need to pray for Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people. There is no better time to see them come to know Yeshua and proclaim "Baruch Haba B'shem ADONAI -- Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the LORD!"

ADONAI tells us that Israel will be saved. Can you think of a better time than right now for Him to reveal Himself to His people so that they, the apple of His eye, can "call upon the Name of the LORD?"

Please join us in praying for Israel, Jerusalem and the Jewish people. We have intercessory prayer for Israel every Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. Would you consider joining with us as we "Pray for the shalom (peace) of Jerusalem?" I know you will be blessed as you pray for the "Apple of GOD's eye." If you can't join us in person, you can join us in the Spirit, praying for Israel -- the people and the Land -- wherever you are.

Seek the LORD and pray that His will be done for His chosen people. Please take the time to pray for all Jewish people, especially for those living in the Land. They need your prayer support.

If you have never done this before, the prayer below will help you start:-

Father God, we come in the precious name of Yeshua HaMashiach -- Jesus the Messiah -- to pray for the peace of Jerusalem; for the tranquility, safety, well-being, welfare, health, contentment, success, comfort, wholeness and integrity of Jerusalem, in line with Your Word (Psalm 122).

We pray for the sovereignty of Israel, that it rests solely with Your people, never shared, divided, compromised or surrendered. We pray that Your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven, for Israel, the people and the Land.

We pray that Your people who are called by Your name would humble themselves and pray,
and seek you face, and turn from their wicked ways, so that You would hear from heaven,
forgive their sin, and heal their Land. And give them victory over their enemies who are trying to annihilate them.

We pray for the innocent civilians of Lebanon, especially the Christian believers, who are tirelessly working, around the clock, in very difficult conditions, to help those who have fled their homes. We pray for their protection, strength and well-being.

We pray that the love of Yeshua HaMashiach, shining through the Lebanese Believers as they embrace, feed and shelter the displaced Arab people, will bring the Arab Muslims to know the Lord Yeshua. We pray that the Arab people would realize that Islam is a demonic spirit that breeds hatred and violence and that by renouncing it, repenting and accepting Yeshua as Lord and Saviour, they will be set free from the chains that bind them and enter into a new life.

We pray for the Israeli government, especially Ehud Olmert, the war cabinet, and the military leaders, that God will strengthen them with the necessary resolve to prosecute this conflict to the end, until at the the very least, Hezbollah and their puppet leader Nassan Hasrallah have been obliterated.

There seems to be a weakening in the resolve of the Israeli leaders; a fear of international pressure seems to be growing in the Israeli administration, so we pray against this spirit of fear and weakness in any of the Israeli leaders. Father, please strengthen these leaders, shape them like David and Joshua; and let the fighting forces of Israel become the fearsome Lions of Judah.
My LORD, what will it take to drive them back into the arms of the God of Israel. Your people need to wake up NOW and arise to their calling, to cry out to ADONAI, the LORD their GOD, the GOD of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov, to lead and direct them in this battle.

Perhaps this is a timely reminder for Israel and for each one of us that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places"(Eph.6:12).

It is for such a time as this that we have come into Your Kingdom, Lord. Place Your mighty hand upon us to help us be Mordecai's who help the Esther's. . . to be voices calling out into the wilderness of today's Church and the world. Father GOD, let a people arise who cry out for their destiny . . .for the destiny of Israel . . .the people and the Land, and intercede effectively for Your plans and purposes in Israel and the Middle East region.

". . .As for me and my house, I will serve the LORD. I want to be embraced, consumed by You, LORD, for Your plans and purposes in these End Times. For this I dedicate myself to serve You and be used by You, for the benefit of Israel, the people and the Land".

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you
