Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psa.122:6)

So why is 'the Church' still not doing so?

With very few exceptions, the Church -- the Body of Christ -- completely ignores Isreal, both the people and the Land, in these days.

As believers, followers of Yeshua HaMashiach, grafted in to the Commonwealth of Israel, we are charged by YHVH to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to intercede for His chosen people, to stand as watchmen on the walls, watching over and praying for His people and the Land.

Does that happen in your church. . . or in your own personal walk with the LORD?

Psalm 122 is clear in its directive to each of us: "P R A Y for the peace of Jerusalem".

GOD is not asking us, He is telling us to pray; He's commanding us.

There's none of the "Do you think you could possibly find time to pray for the peace of Jerusalem" nonsense; this is a direct, unequivocal order: P R A Y for the peace of Jerusalem!!!

Scripture tells us that GOD's people -- the Jewish people -- are the apple of His eye and He most certainly has not finished with them. The Land of Israel, clearly delineated in theWord of GOD, is sacrosanct; non-negotiable. What's more, Israel -- the people and the Land -- are very much a part of GOD's End Times plans and purposes. Read the scripures, the Word of God is perfectly clear on this issue.

So why do most of today's Church have the crazy misguided notion that it has replaced Israel in GOD's scheme of things? It is beyond the comprehension of true believers; perhaps they read a different Bible to the rest of us. ;-)

Perhaps if they spent some time with the Holy Spirit -- the Ruach HaKodesh -- and sought the heart of GOD, asking for revelation, for their eyes to be opened to the plans and purposes of GOD, they may change their minds.

I'm a gentile believer who, several years ago, cried out to the LORD, asking Him to give me His heart. He answered my prayer and gave me a heart for Israel, His people and His Land.

I also discovered "The Complete Jewish Bible" translated by David H Stern. This has been an invaluable aid in my walk with GOD and getting a better understanding of His Word. If you'd like to know more about it, amazon.com (for readers in the US) or amazon.co.uk (for readers in the UK) have more information about this particular Bible.

Let us pray together. . .

Father God, in the precious name of Yahshua HaMashiach,
we pray for the peace, tranquility, safety, well-being,
welfare, health, contentment, success, comfort, wholeness
and integrity of Jerusalem, in line with Your Word (Psalm 122).

We pray for the sovereignty of Israel, that it rests solely
with your people, not shared or divided or compromised.

We pray that Your people
who are called by Your name,
would humble themselves and pray,
and seek you face,
and turn from their wicked ways,
and You would hear from heaven,
forgive their sin, and heal their Land,
and give them victory over their enemies,
over all who seek to obliterate them.

Father, we pray that Your will be done
here on earth as it is in heaven
for Israel, the people and the Land.

Lord, it is for such a time as this
that we have come into Your Kingdom.
Place Your mighty hand upon us to be like
Mordecai's helping the Esther's,
to be voices crying in the wilderness.
Father, let a people now arise
who cry out for their destiny. . .
for the destiny of Israel. . .
the people and the Land,
and intercede for Your plans and purposes
in Israel and the Middle East region.

"As for me and my house,
we want to serve You,
to align ourselves with Your plans and purposes
in these End Times".
Lord God, we dedicate ourselves into Your grace
and for Your purposes.
Amen and amen!

Please pray protection over the Israeli military as they pursue this battle on behalf of all of us living in the 'free' world. If Israel does not win this war today, it will be our war tomorrow. Can I suggest that you pray for your own country for the way they have treated Israel over the last sixty years. Please pray especially for England for their involvement in dividing the Land; (remember Joel 3:2 and the fate that befalls those who divide the Land?).

And. . . Zechariah 1:14-16 Then the angel who talked with me said to me: "Proclaim! Thus said the Lord of Hosts: I am very jealous for Jerusalem -- for Zion -- and I am very angry with those nations that are at ease; for I was only angry a little, but they overdid the punishment. Assuredly, thus said the Lord: I graciously return to Jerusalem. My House shall be built in her -- declares the Lord of Hosts -- the measuring line is being applied to Jerusalem. (JSB)

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you
