Friday, October 06, 2006

Yahveh Gave This Land -- To His People (Israel) -- In Perpetuity

Yahveh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, made a Covenant with Abraham. He gave a large area of land, once known as Canaan, to Abraham and his seed (through Isaac and Jacob) forever. Yahveh confirmed His Covenant through Isaac and Jacob. He defined the boundaries of the Land: "...from the brook of Egypt to the mountains of Lebanon, and from the Euphrates to the Great Sea". Yahveh did NOT give any of the Covenant Land to Ishmael or his descendants.

Please. . . check out these scriptures. . . the promises of Yahveh, granting the Land to His Chosen People, the Jewish people, forever.

Genesis 12:1, 2, 7 (gives the land to Abraham);

Genesis 13:14-17 (all the Land, as far as he could see);

Genesis 15:7-12 (makes an everlasting Covenant with Abraham),

Genesis 17-18 (creates a Covenant over the Land);

Genesis 17:1-8, 15, 16, 19, 21 (reinforces His Covenant);

Genesis 26:2-4 (more on the Land);

Genesis 35:11, 12 (still more on the Land; confirmation by King David in 1Chronicles 16:15-18);

Exodus 23:30-33 (boundaries outlined);

Numbers 34:1-12 (borders defined);

Deuteronomy 1:7, 8 (taking the Land), 20, 21 (commands His people to possess the Land); 2:24 (possess the Land); 4:25-31 (judgement concerning the Land);

Joshua 1:1-4 (boundaries confirmed);

Psalm 105:7-11 (covenant confirmed);

Ezekiel 47:13-23 (boundaries restated);

Ezekiel 48:14,29 (the Land, their inheritance).

In those days, a covenant was the most binding contract one could make with another, far more obligating than anything we could imagine today with our 21st century mindsets. Breaking a covenant was unthinkable. The world has no equivalent and no such moral scruples today.

Yahveh chose to make a covenant with Abraham and his descendants, through Isaac and Jacob not Ishmael, that was to last for all time. He (Yah) entered into the life of a man and his family living in a God-less world, inviting them to be His People, to worship only Him, to have fellowship with Him, to live in a land designated by Him, to obey His commands, and He would bless them beyond their wildest dreams.

In Judges 2:1 He declared: "I will NEVER break My Covenant or alter what My lips have uttered".

The Jewish people were later to be reminded of this by King David (in Psalm 105:8 and 1 Chronicles 16:15: "He (the Lord) remembers His Covenant forever, the word He commanded to a thousand generations".

No other country in the world has a title deed signed by the Creator, only Israel. The Land belongs to Israel: God's Word says so; it is very clear on this issue. However, full possession of the Land given to them by Yahveh (as their inheritance) will not happen until they return to the Lord. Israel's complete possession of the Land given to her by Yahveh depends on her faithfulness, on her 'getting right' with the Lord God Almighty.

That does not mean the Jewish people will possess the Land to the exclusion of all others (i.e. non-Jews). Not at all! The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel make it very clear that 'aliens' or non-Jews have a right to live in the Land and must be treated as equals . . .so long as they understand and accept the fact that the Land, on the basis of Yah's Covenant promise, belongs to Israel (see Eze.47:22,23; Isa.14:1; 56:6-7; regarding "inheritance", see Acts 11:18; 15:9; Eph.2:12-14; 3:6; Col.3:11).

Restoring the Jewish people to their rightful inheritance is not some sort of soppy, sentimental pie-in-the-sky idea. It is not important what our personal feelings are towards the Jewish people. They are His Chosen people and we are to respect that fact. Yahveh made an unbreakable commitment to them and that has to be honored, too.

If we as believers purport to serve the one true God, if we claim to walk with our Lord Yahshua (Jesus), then we are obligated to serve His Chosen People in a befitting manner; one that is pleasing to the Lord. And the sooner we 'Christians' get our heads around this, the better for all concerned!

Over the centuries, the Jewish people have profaned Yah's holy name. He knows that and He intends to restore His holy name, just as He intends to be seen to keep His promises, especially His Covenant with His Chosen people (and restore them to the Land He gave them).

Ezekiel 36:22-24 says: "It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for My holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you went". (23) "And I will vindicate the Holiness of My great name which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst. Then the nations will know that I am Lord," declares the Lord God, "when I prove Myself Holy among you in their sight".

Think about it!

I want to include the next verse (24) because not only does it refer to the ownership of the Land, this scriptue is being fulfilled right now; it is happening before our very eyes!

(24) "For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own Land".

Each week, more and more Jewish people are seen going back to the Land of their forefathers; from all over the earth, they are returning "home". In the midst of that 35-day war (August 14, 2006), eight hundred Jewish olim made aliyah (to resettle in Israel); three planes arrived at Tel Aviv airport that day, one from London, one from New York, and one from Toronto, carrying Jewish people back to their inheritance.

In the light of all these scriptures referring to the declarations of Yahveh, we can be assured that He honors His Covenant, He keeps His Word, He fulfills His promises and so the Land belongs to His Chosen people, Israel, in perpetuity. Numbers 23:19 tells us:"God is not a man, that He should lie"; if the Lord were not to keep Covenant with Israel, what assurance would we Christians have that He would be faithful to us? Selah.

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you

"Christian" Organizations In Serious Error

The Vatican, the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches embrace the same biblical error as their third century "forefathers" regarding Israel, the People and the Land. They maintain that because the Jewish people rejected Christ, Yah (God) let them go, disassociated Himself from them, and that today's Church has replaced Israel in Yah's plans and purposes.

In other words, they erroniously think that they have replaced the Jewish people, and that they are now Yah's Chosen people. But, as Romans 9 and 11 tells us, this is NOT so. Not only is it untrue, a lie from the pit of hell, it places the advocates and followers of such diatribe on a collision course with the Almighty.

These guys quite obviously don't believe in the literal translation of the Holy Scriptures; they prefer to cherry-pick what Yah says in His Word. What's more, by perpetuating their perverse, corrupt and fallacious teachings, they are leading others astray and for that they will answer to their Creator.

They appear to have no comprehension of the relevance of Israel (the People and the Land) in God's plans and purposes, especially in these end-times days.

President George W. Bush, his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, all professing to be Christians, have fallen into the replacement theology trap. They want Israel to give up more Land; Land that Yahveh Himself gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their seed forever.

Just imagine how different things could have been if these two leaders had not been schooled in the replacement theology nonsense and actually understood the importance of both the People and the Land of Israel in God's plans and purposes. They would have trodden a very different path and perhaps been able to bring about a different understanding of the Israel issue among other leaders.

The National Council of Churches is in serious error in its condemnation of Israel for refusing to leave so-called "occupied" territory, Land that was given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. The Land may be "disputed" (in their eyes) but it is not right to call it "occupied" land. These people should know better! It begs the question, "have they ever read and understood God's Word?"

Yahveh declares 109 times in His Word that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people; 36 times on oath to them and 16 times saying it is FOREVER. (Which part of the word "forever" do they not understand?) There is nowhere in the Bible that God says He has changed His mind about the covenant promises He made with Abraham and confirmed through Isaac and Jacob. Not even a hint of such a thing. As for the boundaries of the Land, Yah says "from the brook of Egypt to the mountains of Lebanon and from the Euphrates river to the Great Sea (the Mediterranean). What do they not understand about that?

Both the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches have called on their members to divest themselves of any investments they have in companies doing business with Israel.

My understanding is that they want a complete boycott of all companies trading with Israel. Because these people fail to understand what the God of the Bible is doing with Israel or the part Israel plays in His plans, especially in these days, they want to have THEIR way with Israel, which is NOT God's way. They want to beat Israel into submission by financially crippling the Israeli economy simply to impose their will upon the Jewish people.

Unfortunately for them, Yahveh has other plans for His people and will not allow those "who have fallen away" to harm the Jewish people. As for the Land, they should try really, really hard to understand this: the Land is NOT for giving. Yah will have His way!

President Bush, secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and Quartet special envoy Tony Blair seem obsessed in being instrumental in establishing a 'Palestinian' state before their respective terms of office expire. If these "Christians" would only read their Bibles and seek the advice and guidance of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit), they would quickly realize that Yah's Land must not be divided in any way, shape or form. No matter how unpallatable this may be to human ears, the Covenant Land is NOT to be divided; doing so will incur the wrath of God.

The British are already under Yah's judgement for dividing the Land in 1921. In the previous year, Britain was formally granted rule over the territory know as 'Palestine'. The League of Nations issued Britain with a mandate to establish a national Jewish homeland and to facilitate the resettlement of Jewish people on this Land. Within a short time, Winston Churchill gave 78% of this Land to an Arab sheikh. This large chunk of land is now known as Jordan.

The British divided the Land and Britain has been paying the price ever since but its leaders are completely oblivious to the fact. Similarly, the USA is now paying the price for its involvement in Gaza; they put a great deal of pressure on the Israeli government to give up the Land and remove all Jewish people from the area. This was a very unwise thing to do.

Yah's Word is not to be taken lightly: Anyone (and that means 'anyone' including the USA, the UK, Russia and the EU). . . anyone involved in dividing the Covenant Land will pay the price! His plan is for His (Jewish) people to inhabit the Land He set out for them, to have sovereignty over all of it, not bits and pieces of it.

The two-state idea is a non-starter in God's eyes; it will not solve anything let alone the conflict. The only answer is to do things God's way, not man's way. Nothing else will work. Our nation's leaders need to understand that Muslims generally, and 'Palestinians' in particular, want a total wipe-out of the Jewish people. They may pretend that land-for-peace is in everyone's interest, but they have absolutely no intention of ever honoring any of their agreements. They will cheat and lie and seek public sympathy as they portray Israel as the aggressive pariah and 'occupier' of 'their' land. But it's all a game to them. They will stop at nothing until they achieve their intentions: to annihilate the Jewish people and seize their Land. However, Yahveh, the God of Avraham, Yitz'chak and Ya'akov will NOT allow that to happen.

As I write this article Syria and Iran have been re-arming Hezbollah with more rockets and other military equipment AND supplying similar hardware to Hamas. They are said to be building a network of underground tunnels and bunkers for Hamas in Gaza, similar to those of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. So it looks like another battle is not too far away.

Hopefully, next time, the Israeli politicians, having decided to go to war, will allow the Israeli military to do their job. One of the main problems in the July/August 2006 battle was that of politicians vacillating; the other big problem was forcing the military to prosecute the war with one hand tied behind their backs. The Israeli military must be allowed a free reign in battle to crush the enemy and eliminate those who seek to destroy Israel.

All this may sound unpallatable, but it has to be done. This way, the Israeli's could seriously disable Hezbollah and Hamas to such an extent, Syria and Iran would have to come out into the open and do their own dirty work instead of having proxy forces do it for them.

However, there is a way open to them, far better than relying on the politicians and the military to defend them: that is to get right with their God and call on Him to defend and protect them, like they did in times gone by, in the days of David, Rehoboam, Abijah, Joash, Hezekiah and others. In more recent times He intervened to enable them to get back into to the Land in 1948. He gave them victory in the six-day war when they were greatly outnumbered. He can do it again.

Please pray that the eyes of the Jewish people will be opened to their need to get right with their God, to realize that Yashua is the Messiah, and for the Ruach HaKodesh to come upon them and give them a new heart, a new Spirit.

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you

Thursday, October 05, 2006

THIS Nation -- Called By God -- Rejected HIS People and Reneged On Its Commitments!

A restored Israel was very much a British ideal and typified British policy for many years leading up to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. After the Declaration, the British Government, in particular the utterly odious, wicked, brutal and corrupt military administration and high-ranking British Army Officers at the time, embarked on a policy of facilitating the torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people.

Not only did these anti-semitic Brits collude to get rid of Yah's Chosen people living in the area designated as a homeland for the Jewish people, they sought to prevent those escaping the persecution of Hitler from reaching their 'homeland' by whatever means possible. A most despicable act!

Take, for example, the case of the immigrant ship, the Struma, only one of many, many instances of cold, calculated, deliberate anti-Jewish killings perpertrated by the British 'authorities.'

The Jewish people on board the Struma were fleeing from the extermination programme taking place in Romania. Almost 800 people were squeezed onto this very old cattle boat, designed and built almost one hundred years previously for use only on inland waterways, not the open seas.

Somehow, this overloaded, broken-down old cattle boat managed to find its way into the harbour of Instanbul, Turkey. The Jewish people on board were seeking British Authority permission (through the British Ambassador to Istanbul) to disembark and travel on to their national Homeland (that would, intime, become known as the State of Israel).

While millions of Jewish people were being exterminated by the evil Nazi regime, its sympathizers and followers, you would have thought that those managing to escape would have been welcomed with open arms, well looked after and helped in every possible way. And they would have been had they not encountered (the anti-Jewish) British administration and military personel, most of whom were despatched from Cairo by the British Government, specifically to set up a National Homeland for the Jewish people.

Unfortunately for the Jewish people, the Brits wielding power and authority over them, did not like the idea of a Jewish Homeland; they were strongly opposed to the Jewish people returning to the Land. Consequently, the very people who were supposed to help the Jewish people betrayed them and did whatever they could to prevent them having a homeland.

Jewish people, quite righly, saw this as aiding and abeting Hitler's extermination policy. Some non-Jews saw it as appeasing the Arab oil producers.

The Church, as usual, was silent, pretending there was nothing untoward going on. With very few exceptions, the Church did not make any sort of stand against what was happening; they were either too scared to speak out or perhaps they thought that God had finished with the Jewish people (as much of the Church does today) and so it didn't matter about the Jewish people being wiped out.

The Brits denied the Struma's Jewish contingent entry to their National Homeland. This was in contravention to the mandate given to the British Government some twenty years earlier by the League of Nations, to facilitate a return of Jewish people to a National Homeland, later known as the State of Israel.

The British Authorities instructed the Turkish Authorities NOT to allow the people on board the Struma to disembark. They were not to be allowed on Turkish soil at any cost.

The Jewish people languished on the cattle boat in freezing conditions in the Istanbul harbor area for several weeks. They were packed on to that boat like sardines in a tin, above and below deck, with NO space to lie down, no washing facilities whatsoever, and with only ONE makeshift toilet facility.

Almost 800 men, women, children and babies were on that little cattle boat. There were even women giving birth on that boat in the midst of such filthy, inhuman conditions. People were dying through lack of food and water. But non of that mattered as far as the pompous, self-serving British Administration was concerned; after all, "they were only Jews!"

The British Administration, actually there in the Land they had been commanded to use to set up a Jewish homeland, did everything they could to prevent the mandate being fulfilled. They pursued their own program of appeasing the Arab oil producers by tried very hard to wipe out the Jewish people and prevent them from taking back their Land.

On the 70th day of languishing in the Istanbul harbor area, in near arctic conditions, the Turkish Authorities (at the behest of the British Administration in Israel) got a line aboard the Struma (by getting them to believe they were going to be towed into a position to disembark). The Turks then proceeded to tow the Struma out into the Black Sea.

At a safe distance, the Turks cut the line and left the Jewish people on board the Struma to fend for themselves with NO food, NO water, NO fuel and an engine that didn't work.

That wasn't the end of the matter.

Early the following morning, a loud explosion was heard all over Istanbul. It was the Struma. She conveniently exploded and then disappeared into the icy-cold water, never to be seen again. Almost eight hundred men, women, children and babies perished.

Only ONE person survived!

This well-documented story has been told in several books and documentaries. In Gustav Scheller's "Operation Exodus" he tells how, when he and his team were sailing through this part of the Black Sea carrying Jewish people back to Israel, they held an on-board service of repentance. With hearts united, they simply wanted to stand before Yahveh and seek His forgiveness for Britain's part in this evil act, and to ask the Jewish people for their forgiveness.

They repented and prayed and sought forgiveness for this most sinful act of killing so many Jewish people, who were themselves, trying to escape certain death. As many of the Christians (in Gustav's account) were weeping and repenting, some of the Jewish passengers joined them in the service. They were touched by what they saw; "If you love us this way," said one Jewish passenger, "it gives us hope for the future."

We need to give the Jewish people our love and support. We -- the Church and the nation -- need to repent and seek Yah's forgiveness for the way we have treated the Jewish people over the years and for our involvement in dividing the Land (see Joel 3:2).

The British government and the Church (together) need to call a national day of repentance.

We (who claim to follow the Lord) have need to weep and get our hearts right before our Lord, Yashua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). It bewilders me how any believer can hold a bad attitude towards Yah's Chosen People. To claim to love the Lord (our Jewish Rabbi) as we do, and yet ignore, despise or treat lightly, His people, is totally incomprehensible.

If your heart is right with the Lord, your heart will be right with His people and you will realize the importance of the Land. And vice-versa: if your heart is not right with the Lord, His people and the Land will never register on your spiritual radar.

The UK is not the only nation guilty of turning its back on Israel in their times of need. Thirty two nations at the 1938 Evian conference refused to make a stand for Israel, including the USA. However, Britain was the only nation given a mandate to establish a National Homeland for the Jewish people. . . and failed abysmally. Not only did they fail the Jewish people, more importantly, Britain failed Yahveh, the God of Israel.

Repentance is the first step. We now need to seize the opportunity Yahveh has set before us to make amends and serve the Jewish people, according to His Word. We need to demonstrate, through the love of Yahshua, how deeply we care for them.

We need to be more vocal over the Land issue. Yah's Word clearly delineates the boundaries of the Land that He Covenanted with Abraham, and confirmed to Isaac and Jacob, and that it was to their seed for ever.

We are to love the Jewish people with the love that Yahshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) has for them. We are to pray for Yah's plans and purposes for Israel -- the people and the Land -- in these End Times.

Shalom aleikhem
Peace be upon you