Thursday, July 12, 2007


What shall we say then? If God be for Israel shall we oppose Him? In view of the Almighty's great love and unbounded mercies, renewed every morning, surely those who call themselves Christians, professing to be followers of the Jewish Rabbi called Jesus, should at the very least stand with and pray for the Jewish people.

This may be an anguished prayer at times, as it was for the Apostle Paul. But our concerns, like his, should spring from an abiding affection and unconditional affirmation of Israel's irrevocable covenant, involving Scriptures, Land and People.

This is not to idealize the Jewish people or exempt the State of Israel from biblical standards of justice and righteousness. Nor is it to condemn Israel -- the messenger -- for forgetting the message. But it is to remind us as followers of Yahshua HaMashiach -- Jesus the Messiah -- that we are indebted to Israel for our (Jewish) Messiah, our (Jewish) Scriptures, and our God, the God of Israel!

Think about it.

[Adapted from "A Different God?" by Dr. Dwight A. Pryor, available from CFI Communications, PO Box 2687, Eastbourne, England BN22 7LX. Telephone: 01323 410810. Just £2.00 plus P&P.]